
Laravel was developed in 2011 by Taylor Otwell as a free and open-source PHP web application framework. Its purpose is to make it easier for PHP programmers to create cutting-edge, reliable online applications. Laravel is a popular web development framework thanks to its wide selection of features that reduce time spent on coding and increase productivity.

Laravel is a PHP framework that prioritizes convention over configuration, making it a great option for developers of all skill levels. It has great capabilities for creating web apps and a straightforward, adaptable framework. The purpose of this framework is to facilitate your work by providing you with resources to deal with any circumstance that may arise. It is an open-source PHP framework that has quickly become one of the most popular options for creating cutting-edge online applications.

Taylor Otwell developed the Laravel framework and made it available for free download in 2011. Several well-known websites, such as Instagram, Shopify, and Slack, were built using this framework. It’s one of the most widely used PHP frameworks because of this. One of the most common uses of PHP is for framework development. Insight into 2023’s most promising new directions  can be found here.

Following the MVC architectural pattern, Laravel divides an application’s logic into the model (the data), the view (the presentation), and the controller (the input and processing). This structure is useful for making sure the code is well-structured and easy to maintain.

Laravel’s main features include:

For managing the application’s codebase, database schema, and assets, It has a command-line interface (CLI) called Artisan.

With Laravel’s Eloquent Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technology, working with databases is as easy as pointing and clicking. Instead of having to write sophisticated SQL queries, developers may simply use object-oriented syntax to communicate with database tables.

Using Laravel’s Blade templating engine, you can build templates with beautiful and simple syntax. By decoupling the two, developers can make their applications more easily maintained and updated.

It’s robust routing mechanism connects URLs with the appropriate controller actions. It supports standard HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE in addition to allowing developers to design their own unique URL schemes.

To process HTTP requests before sending them to the application’s controller, Laravel includes a middleware system. Authentication, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, and other forms of request processing can all be defined as middleware by developers.

It’s  authentication system is simple and versatile, so it can be adapted to the demands of any application with minimal effort. Authorization features, such as role-based access control, are also supported out of the box.

Why is Laravel an Emerging Trend?

Laravel is gaining popularity because it is an open-source framework that helps programmers create reliable, scalable websites.

The expressive and beautiful syntax facilitates the rapid creation of code that is both testable and maintainable. Composer, the package manager included with the framework, makes it simple to manage your applications’ dependencies. The open-source PHP framework known as “Laravel” was inspired by the Amazon Echo virtual assistant. It works well for developing REST APIs, single-page applications, and full-stack web programs.

lt’s use of a templating engine results in more readable code. The extensive set of tools makes it simple to create high-quality apps. Laravel is built upon PHP since it is written in PHP and is compatible with the Apache, Nginx, and other web servers.

Taylor Otwell developed and it’s community maintains Laravel, an open-source PHP web application framework. Originally a fork of the dead MVC framework Symfony, the project has subsequently branched off in its own direction.

The major motivation behind it is to reduce the barriers to entry for creating online apps. It achieves this by providing a vocabulary that is both expressive and elegant, favoring convention over configuration and facilitating rapid development, robust routing and validation, library integration, data binding, and more

In conclusion

It is widely recognized as one of the most popular PHP frameworks. Its widespread adoption and active participation from the development community bear this out. Its developer community is expanding, but additional libraries, themes, bundles, and plugins have yet to appear. Since it is becoming increasingly popular among programmers, its future seems bright.

Expect a continual stream of new major releases of PHP, even though the development community is always eager to enhance the framework and its efficiency. This will allow them to shift their attention back to improving the framework by adding new features and capabilities.


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